3 steps to adjust output power of PL2000x CATV EDFA amplifier

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There are 3 steps as below:

1.Tap “Setup” from the main menu of PL2000x CATV EDFA amplifier that is designed to select the operation control mode of PL2000H as the following screenshot.

edfa amplifier

2. Tap “APC” button to enter APC mode. APC mode is system default control mode. APC (Automatic Power Control) is established and maintained by the output power regardless of the changes of the input signal and temperature.PL2000H CATV EDFA Amplifier automatically adjusts the current laser diode pumping to ensure stabilization of the desired output power that measured by an internal sensor.

edfa amplifier

3.Set the desired value by using the touch keyboard to input and then to save after Output power value is appeared at the top of menu as shows its value in the LCD display, see as below 18dBm

edfa amplifier

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