A very Different EYDFA (High Power EDFA)

What is the Erbium Yterbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EYDFA) ?

EYDFA is based on the EDFA structure and includes a Yterbium doped fiber amplifier module, which is used to boost fiber signal to a more intensive optical network. EYDFA is primarily used in high power optical amplifiers with total output power ranging from 25 to 42dBm (or higher).

PL2000H Series 

It has low noise and high linearity performance to meet the most stringent CATV and FTTx application requirements. It offers a flexible and low-cost solution for wide-area distribution networks. The PL2000H is the first unit in the CATV industry that comes with a touchscreen LCD and back reflection function.


PL2000H Series EYDFA

Main Features

EYDFA Block Diagram
Block Diagram for CATV EDFA
xgs-pon edfa block diagram
Block Diagram for XGS-PON + GPON EDFA

1U and 2U Rack

Front and Rear Panel


full function and real-time

Working Status Monitoring


Real-time Monitoring
24 hours to monitor Input power, output power, back reflection, and temperature

WEB supports Windows / Linux / Mac OS and Chrome /IE / Safari…SNMPv2c, firmware remote upgrade

Touchscreen GUI
Easy to check EDFA status such as alarm and turn on/off pump, change settings by tap

Output Power Adjustable

There are ways to adjust output power ports for all Premlink EYDFA. The adjustable range is wide, every pcs EYDFA can be changed into 10dBm output per port, no matter previously it was 15 or 20dBm per port.
We are able to set up new output power at AMP mode -->APC--> input desired output power on-site. It is very fast and easy.
We also can connect to RJ45 port at Local LAN or via internet to get access to web browser. The default IP address is and click “Amplifier setup to find “APC” mode, and change output power you needed.


32x COM + 32xPON LC Ports in 1RU Rack

Always considered the demand from our customer, Premlink made optimized design working to puts 32x COM Ports and 32x PON Ports with LC adapter in 1RU rack, and gives output power upto 20dBm per port. We try to help MSO to save chassis and keep upgrade room for future.